Sunday, September 17, 2006

Week 2: New England v. Jets

The time of this game was changed about 2 weeks ago to accomodate a larger TV audience at the 415pm sunday time slot. This allowed for some devine, if ever shrinking, sunshine to illuminate the north side of the field in the most perfect way. I am deeply sorrow for not carrying a camera this week i cussed under my breath. it just came out when I walked around the halls on the first level and saw that field glow that way, with the best team of this decade so far on it, and I knew I didnt have my camera. dah _____.

I will miss the weather from this day dispite my decreasingly intense diaphoresis

I did not sleep on the bus ride over. I sat in the front left seat just behind the driver next to a fellow who can really only be acuratly recounted in this report as your regular old coot. Yeah, seriously. He had is head band and head phones on already and I was wondering if he would actually talk to anyone all day.

I sold candy on the top level and rode the frieght elevator on the north end of the stadium twice up and down with the middle trips coming just before halftime. My timing and execution (big up the seth on this) of the tray's refill was remarkably efficient and i only took about 7 minutes to get back in the flow. Jets fans didnt steal form me as i suspect someone in the Giants crowd did last week, but they also do not tip as much. still, a good day for me personally, financially.

Fireman Ed was a big part of that turnaround the Jets had just to be in the game. He was up leading chants at the earliest stages of the comeback, in the middle of the 3rd quarter, down by 24 and 17. Some dude had him on his shoulders up and down the aile bordering their section. Screaming...

J! E! T! S! - JETS! JETS!! JETS!!! JETS!!!!

Know that in the section coming just below this paragraph fireman ED was near the point of seizure.

with between 4 and 5 minutes left on the game clock near the end of the 4th quarter a timeout was called and I had a decision to make. For real this time....I thought about leaving with about 7:15 to play with the Pats in a 3rd and 5, but not seriously, the Jest had the momentum and would surely tie this up and put it into overtime. Brady to Caldwell, 6 yds. Again at 6 minutes even I looked at the clock while waiting for change, and the liberty fighters in a 3rd and 5, but kept climmbing the stairs cus the crowd was in it and so were the Jets

I chose to call it a day with New England at a 3rd and 7 after the JETS called a timeout with 4:08 to go.

I didnt know it was Troy Brown until later, but I figured some guy that 12 threw to just got a first down 8 yards by the lack of crowd noise. Game over basically. I was down the hall, pressing the buttion for the freight elevator. Tom Brady runs a game in a way that keeps/puts his team in the position to win the game play after play, and you can bank on it. I did today.

as sorry as i am for not capturing the picture i tried to describe the beautiful scene of late afternoon football in the first paragraph, i am just as regretful to report the circumstances

this picture is old I actually took it last week knowing that this day would come where I would wait 2 hours after the games ends to catch the bus back to 42nd street/Port Authority. Missed the first 40 game minutes of Redskins v. Cowboys. This is very boring even on a nice night.

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