Saturday, August 26, 2006

Giants vs. Jets (preseason)

I slept on the bus ride over, nestled in the front window seat directing behind the driver.

I worked the upper deck that filled slowly on into the second last moments of the 1st qtr. Sold pretzels, hot dogs, popcorn and cracker jacks. (about $575 in sales)

The Giants took about 7 plays -including a taunting penalty blessing from the Jets secondary after a stud hit on Plaxico Burrus- to score a touchdown and perhaps the only competitive scoring of note in the entire game.

The Jets will struggle to find points this season. I was afraid of this before the game began and nothing from scrimmage assuaged these fears. It is even stranger for these 2 teams to play and have the Jets be the home team in GIANTS Stadium.

On the bus ride home I sat next to an old fellow. One of the best conversations I have heard in all my time on this bus in the last year was had by he and I.

Suffice it to say he and I traded brief life stories and he confided in me that he has had season tickets the Jets since "before Namath took them to the Super Bowl" Yikes, it was still Johnson's War then!!! We agreed the jets are going to have a rough one this season. We would have hugged, but it turns out he goes for the Redskins in the NFC so no dice.

view means...

...again the Jets hosted the Giants in Giants stadium. A building, both built for, and named after the visiting team.

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